C armarthen County Bowling Association
Llanelli & District Bowling League
To the Secretaries of All Clubs:
County / League Meeting – 19th April 2021- Decisions
Following the Zoom Meeting held this evening, attended by 16 Club Representatives, the following information is provided to clubs.
Carruthers Shield matches
The following clubs will NOT be participating in this year’s competition:
Ammanford Town, Cross Hands, Cwmaman, Dafen Welfare & Tumble
Should there be any further withdrawals you will be notified accordingly.
Matches this year will be four rinks of three wood triples played over 18 ends. You are reminded that Lady players may NOT play in Carruthers matches. Matches cancelled are in red on the website.
All matches will be played in greys with club or white tops.
Llanelli & District League Matches
The format this year shall be 15 players per side made up of three rinks of four players and one triple.
The two opposing triples will play against each other with the remaining rink opponents being selected in the normal way. Should a team play short handed against a four they will lose 25% of their score.
The triples opponents shall play three woods each over a maximum of 18 ends.
If the number of ends to be played in the match is reduced (by agreement) to less than 21 ends then the triples shall also be reduced accordingly.
Promotion and relegation will take place at the conclusion of the season.
All matches will take place in greys and club or white tops thereby avoiding the use of changing rooms. (Should there be a sudden downpour of rain during a match then common sense must prevail).
If there are any changes made by the WAG, as to the numbers allowed on the green, we will act accordingly.
If your team is struggling to raise a side, please look at the Player Loan Scheme, details of which can be found on the League Home Page of the County / League Website
Additionally, where you might require to use an additional Lady Member above the allowance, please contact me so that the League Management Committee could consider the request.
RESULT CARDS WERE ISSUED IN 2020 – I hope you can find them!!
At present there is no likelihood of holding the Festival Week. Again, should changes be forthcoming the matter will be reassessed.
Spacing of Rinks
Due to reduced numbers playing in Carruthers matches there is no requirement for gaps between playing rinks, however, in the case of the League format there must be at least a one metre gap between playing rinks.
In both formats, players must adhere to social distancing and those not in the process of delivering a bowl or controlling the head, must retire to the bank or in the case of short jacks – retire away from the playing area
Tumble Bowls Club
It is, with regret, that we have been informed of the closure of Tumble Bowls Club. First Division Secretaries may wish to look at their fixtures and possibly rearrange a Wednesday match to a Saturday that they were scheduled to play Tumble. If I can help in this matter, please contact me. Any changes must be notified accordingly.
There is no requirement for registration of players this year, however, clubs are requested to respect the principles behind the rules.
May we wish you the best for this year
Peter Dunkley
Hon. League Secretary
John Phillips
Hon. County Secretary